Today I had a long talk with a winery owner from Calaveras who bemoaned the fact that there does not seem to be any central source for information on what's happened to vineyards, wineries and tasting rooms in Amador and Calaveras counties.
I'm happy to consolidate as much information as folks will send me, and keep an ongoing update as long as it is helpful.
Send your news to barbarakeck.winenewswriter (at)
You can send photos too.
What We've Seen So Far...
You can send photos too.
What We've Seen So Far...
My photographer Johan and I were finishing up work at Sierra Vista Winery in Placerville on Thursday around noon when we saw the pyrocumulus cloud forming rapidly in the direction of Jackson. It is not the kind of photo we ever expected to take whilst creating this book on Wineries of The Sierra Foothills (publication date December 2015), and we were horrified at the implications of this rapidly-developing fire. In six weeks of criss-crossing 8 Foothills counties, we developed a genuine affection for the winemakers, winery owners, and workers we met. We were so sad to see this tragedy occur.
Our hearts go out to all who were affected, and our prayers are coming your way too.
We know that the Foothills wine folks will do what they can to help out their fellow wineries. That's the beauty of the Foothills spirit!
I love Foothills wines, and I hope the wineries escape without damage. Thank you for providing fire news. I hope you'll continue so I've signed up for your blog updates. I'm looking forward to your book too.