Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sierra Foothills/Amador Veraison Report & Water Notes: Karly Wines, Plymouth

Lawrence L “Buck” Cobb, president of Karly Wines, Plymouth, Amador County writes:  “After a late start and cool spring and early summer, the weather has been perfect, even with the recent week-long 100 degree-spell – it  set the taste in Zinfandel!  We are on track to start harvest at the normal time after Labor Day."

” We dry farm, so who cares about water? Labor supply, now there is something to worry about.”

Buck Cobb
Buck adds this P.S.:   "Incidentally, we just sold Karly winery to Turley Wine Cellars of St Helena. Karly and I are very happy to lay down the load and live a little after thirty-two years. This is a gain for Amador County.”   


  1. Just don't let them mess up Buck's 10 Point or Warrior Fires! Zin doesn't get much better then these two.

  2. With Turley operating the zin should remain good but how long before prices go up?

  3. Just opened 1998 Warrior fires for Fathers Day, Hope this get's back to Buck, the wine was delicious, We spent some time together in Sarasota back in the day, on a ride with, my Dad and you shared the Same resume. You sent me some wine and a shirt, which I still have and wear. Hope all is well.
